No matter if you're a kit brewer, partial masher or all-grainer, we have your supplies or are able to order it in.
Beer kits: U-DO, Muntons & Coopers
Malt extract: DME Extra Light (bulk).
Barley Malt:
Base: Pale 2-row (CM), Pilsner (FB), Pale Ale (CM), Maris Otter Pale Ale (TF), Wheat (CM), Vienna (FB), Munich (CM)
Aromatic: Biscuit (BZ), Honey (GA), Victory (BR), Melanoidin (GW)
Crystal: DextraPils, C-15, C-40, C-60, C-75, C-120, C-150 (all GW) CaraMunich-40 (FB)
Dark: Pale Chocolate, Black, Roasted Barley (all TF), BlackPrinz, Midnight Wheat (both BR)
Other: Rye, Rice Hulls, Corn Sugar
Malting Companies:
BR: Briess, (US)
BZ: Best Malz (Germany)
CM: Canada Malting (Canadian!)
FB: Malterie Franco Belge (France, Belgium)
GA: Gambrinus (BC, Canada)
GW: Great Western Malting (US)
TF: Thomas Fawcett (UK)
Whenever we order malts you have the ability to order bags of grain that we normally don't stock. Apart from the above mentioned malteries, we can also bring in product from Bairds (UK) and Prostejov (Czech).
Interested?, make sure you get on our email list.
UK: Golding, Fuggle
German: Magnum, Tettnang, Hallertau, Northern Brewer
Czech: Saaz
Australian: Galaxy
US: Amarillo, Cascade, Centennial, Chinook, Citra, Columbus, El Dorado, Mosaic, Simcoe, Willamette
Lallemand: Nottingham
Fermentis: S-05 West Coast Ale, S-04 English Ale, W34-70 Saflager, T-58 Belgian Ale, WB-06 Weizen,
BE-134 Saison
Wyeast: All Strains. We don't stock these, but we order every 2 month on a pre-order system only. If you're interested, make sure you get on our email list.
Brewing Salts & other Brewing Aids:
Calcium Chloride, Calcium Sulphate (Gypsum), Calcium Carbonate (Chalk), Sodium Bicarbonate, 5.2 pH Stabilizer.
Irish Moss, Whirlfloc tablets.
Orange Peel, bitter & sweet.
Hop bags (muslin), Bourbon Barrel Chunks, Corn Sugar.
Besides our supplies we have a lot of recipes, knowledge and experience. Come and talk to us about beer, tips, recipes, browse our in-house library of brewing books and more.
Are you interested in taking your brewing to the next level? We can help you on the road from beerkit to beerkit hack, partial mash and beyond. Making good beer is a lot easier than you think.