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San Fransisco Lager

  • San Fransisco Lager - California Common (19 B)

    Type: All Grain
    Batch Size: 23.0 l
    Pre Boil Volume: 29.6 l
    Pre Boil Gravity: 1.047
    Boil Time: 60 min
    End of Boil Vol: 27.1 l
    Final Bottling Vol: 22.5 l
    Fermentation: Warm fermented Lager 12-16 °C, plus lagering
    OG: 1.053
    FG: 1.014
    ABV: 5.2 %
    Bitterness: 32.0 IBUs
    Color: 9.8 SRM
    Mash: 65°C, 2.75 : 1 (water vs grain), no mash out
    Mash Step: Add 16.1 l of water at 73.5 °C,  60 min
    Sparge Water: 19.9 l
    Sparge Temperature: 77.0 C
    Brewer: !@MMi
    Equipment: Robobrew
    Efficiency: 70.00 %
    Est Mash Efficiency: 79 %
    Carbonation: 2.25 Volume of CO2, 135 gr dextrose

    4.70 kg Pale 2-row, Canada, L=2.0
    0.45 kg Victory, L=28
    0.40 kg Crystal 60, L=60
    0.30 kg Munich, L=8
    22 g Northern Brewer [8.5 %] - First wort 60 min
    1 tab Whirfloc - Boil 15 min
    22 g Northern Brewer [8.5 %] - Boil 10 min
    22 g Northern Brewer [8.5 %] - Whirlpool 15 min
    1 pkg California Lager (Wyeast #2112)
    1 pkg Nottingham (substitute)

San Fransisco Lager is a style that goes back to the gold rush days.